PCA Resource zone

Sample Coach Feedback Form for Organization Evaluation

In addition to evaluating coaches, sport administrators should gather feedback on the way the league was led each season. You can get this feedback from coaches formally, by asking them to complete evaluation forms, as well as informally, by talking with individuals about what they liked and disliked throughout the season.

Topics for evaluation of the league can include overall organization, quality of officiating, Positive Coaching Alliance workshop quality, behavior of players and parents and game day operations. These conversations are also a great time to discuss any major incidents that happened during the season, and to determine best practices for the future.

In addition to these evaluating conversations, schedule a de-briefing session of your leadership team to capture all the thoughts as soon as possible after the season ends. You’ll want to have a summary of the parent and player evaluations of the coaches available at this time in case there need to be discussions about personnel.

The coach feedback PDF found below has sample questions to use with your coaches for these evaluations. Be sure to include any additional questions on issues unique to your league or school.