Getting and Keeping K-12 Girls in Sport and Physical Activity: Webinar Recap

Thank you so much for joining our webinar: Getting and Keeping K-12 Girls in Sports and Physical Activity! On behalf of Cal State East Bay’s Center for Sport and Social Justice, Positive Coaching Alliance, Saint Mary’s College, and Soccer Without Borders, we were thrilled to have so many folks join and engage!


Below are just some of the key insights provided by our esteemed guests bringing to life the Literature Review of key tips for any and all coaches, youth sport practitioners, and related stakeholders.

Regarding training all coaches how to coach girls, former professional soccer player, coach, and educator Dania Cabello shared “it’s helpful when we consider ourselves as lifelong learners.”

On designing culturally responsive programs, Dania prompted those in the youth sports space to consider “asking questions that are . . . generative, that will generate a response that allow us to implement a new practice, a new system.” 

We heard critical perspectives from Soccer Without Borders Coach Christina Rodriquez regarding emphasizing social support such as “remembering how important it is to connect with [girls’] family and friends because that allows us to retain girls in sports,” adding “persistence is key.”

On supporting women coaches, Christina noted she was “invited into the space, it felt really good” and told “‘you’ve got this; you’re more than capable.’” Realizing her power as a role model, Christina’s coaching prompted her players to ask about and get into coaching (“Miss, how do I become a coach, like you?!”). 

Further, on supporting women coaches through allyship, LA County Parks and Recreation Deputy Director Carl Cooper highlighted, “girls need female coaches who can directly connect with them” and it’s “about getting [girls] out to enjoy the sport . . . keep them coming back . . . and out there coaching.”

Carl further shared on how to promote girl-only and/or girl-centered programming – it’s important that girls get their own space to play,” “you can’t give up; can’t stop . . . it grows,plus “be persistent . . . offer good opportunities, and make it fun – the girls will come.” Finally, Carl shared we must “celebrate girls and women in sports.”

Resources and Q&A