Jonathan Levy

Managing Partner, Redstone Investments

Regional Board Members, Tampa Bay

Mr. Levy is a Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Redstone Investments. He has been involved in the realestate and construction industry for more than 30 years. He started out as a construction laborer for BurdmanBrothers, a family owned real estate construction and property Management Company. In 1983, he joinedMarine Midland Bank as a commercial real estate lender.

While real estate lending was an exciting career to pursue, Mr. Levy’s passion remained with real estatedevelopment. In 1987 Mr. Levy and his cousin Lee Burdman started JLB Investments which in 1991 becameRedstone Investments. Redstone, headquartered in Youngstown, Ohio, is a development, management andacquisitions company with a focus on shopping center development. Redstone’s portfolio comprises over4 million square feet of commercial real estate located in 15 states. In addition to real estate developmentprojects, Redstone focuses on tenant representation for several national retailers.

In 2005, Mr. Levy relocated to Tampa expanding the Redstone portfolio to include Redstone Commercial LLC,the firm’s commercial real estate brokerage and asset management services firm. Redstone Commercial isfocused on 3rd party brokerage and property management assignments. In 2011, Redstone Funding, LLC wasformed to purchase notes and pools of notes from financial institutions.

Mr. Levy currently serves on the Board of Directors of Huntington Bancshares Inc. (NASDAQ: HBAN). He is on thecompany’s Executive and Risk Oversight committees. Prior to his current board seat with Huntington, Mr. Levyserved on the board of Sky Financial (which was acquired by Huntington in 2007) for eight years, five of whichhe held the role of Lead Director. In addition, Mr. Levy has served on the boards of two other publicly tradedbank holding companies and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Simco Management Corp. Simcois a full service Apartment management company who owns and manages more than 3200 apartmentsand 400 Mobile home sites throughout northeastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Simco entities are alsoinvolved in the exploration and production of Natural Gas and Oil and own and operate more than 450 wells.In 2014 Mr. Levy joined the Board of Directors of Gulfshore Bancshares, Inc., Tampa, FL. He currently serves onthe Nominating and Governance Committee. Mr. Levy and his family reside in Tampa, Florida.

Bachelor of Science Degree – Finance, Syracuse University

International Council of Shopping Centers
Real Estate Investment Council in Tampa
University of Florida, Bergstrom Center for Real Estate Studies, Advisory Board
Hillsborough County Lacrosse Alliance, HALAX, Inc.- President, Founding Board Member
Positive Coaching Alliance Tampa Bay – (PCA) – Board
Youngstown Business Incubator – Board of Directors 1997-2003
Ballet Western Reserve – Board of Directors 2000-2004