The ability to control one’s own thoughts, feelings and/or behaviors and have an appropriate response to specific situations.

Self-Regulation is the ability to control one’s own thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviors and have an appropriate response to specific situations. Coaches often handle issues with self-regulation using discipline. Positive coaches have an opportunity to create a supportive sport culture that helps kids develop the ability to identify their feelings and regulate themselves before they encounter self-regulation issues. Coaches must acknowledge that athletes can be affected by things that happen outside of the team and make an effort to understand what is going on. When athletes feel supported, valued, and that they belong, coaches can use the following tips to help identify and develop athlete self-regulation:

Terms Coaches Can Use with Athletes

  • “Stay focused”
  • “Stay calm”
  • “Stay under control”
  • “Be aware of your physical contact”
  • “Be aware of your surroundings”

What it Looks Like and Sounds Like with Athletes

  • Plays fair
  • Can tell you why she/he took a specific action
  • Takes time to reflect before reacting
  • Demonstrates impulse control
  • Communicates using appropriate tone & feeling words

Examples with Sport

  • Athlete refrains from overly aggressive behavior in games or activities
  • Athlete waits for coach to begin an activity; stops when activity is over
  • Athlete listens to and adheres to the officials in games

Criteria for Activity Selection
Involves physical contact or individual competition