PCA Resource zone

Sample Script for Opening Game Day

Opening game day is an exciting time for everyone involved in your league. While enthusiasm hopefully abounds for coaches, parents and athletes, it’s also an important time to reiterate the mission and culture of your league. Since you have so many people gathered together, it’s key for the president to communicate core league values and messages to the group.

If you’re assuming this role on opening day, start by thanking the board members and other league volunteers for their dedication and time. Be sure to acknowledge all sponsors, as their financial support is critical for success. Perhaps most importantly, remind everyone of the mission of your league by reading your mission statement. Reinforce your positive culture, and detail the board’s expectations around behavior and conduct by coaches, parents and athletes. Close by reminding attendees of any important dates on the league calendar, and thank everyone in advance for a great season.

  • Thank everyone for coming and introduce yourself.
  • Thank the board of directors and other people who helped run the league (parks and recreation department staff, schools who helped in distributing flyers, etc.)
  • Acknowledge and thank any sponsors or local businesses who helped to support the league.
  • Read the mission statement and goals of the organization to the parents and coaches. Remind them that great organizations have compelling mission statements that they never lose sight of. (Ideally you will have copies of the mission statement in the material given out to people at this event so you can ask them to refer to the mission statement while you read it and talk about its importance.
  • Explain the board’s expectations for how all people involved with the league should behave during games and practices. (As with the mission statement, you can refer them to the Honor the Game cards while you talk about this.) Let them know that these expectations are designed to make sure that all involved enjoy themselves and the league mission is achieved.
  • Announce and explain the Double-Goal Coach award (ideally nomination forms should be in the material handed out to people so you can refer people to that form when you talk about this). Ask for their help in nominating coaches who deserve to be recognized.
  • If there are any specific league dates or other important information that parents should know, share that information now.
  • Thank everyone for coming out and encourage them to have a good time.