Kensa Gunter, Psy.D., CMPC
Clinical & Sport Psychologist Gunter Psychological Services, LLC
National Advisory Board
Dr. Kensa Gunter is a licensed psychologist and a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). In her Atlanta based private practice, she provides mental health and mental performance services to athletes competing at high school, collegiate, & professional levels. She also provides consultation services and serves as the team clinician for various sport organizations. Prior to her current positions, Dr. Gunter worked in the world of college athletics serving as the primary sport psychology consultant for a NCAA D-I athletic program. Additionally, Dr. Gunter provides workshops and lectures at national conferences on topics including, but not limited to, understanding mental health and wellness, mental skills for elite performance, diversity in sport, athlete mental health, and clinical work with athletic populations.
Dr. Gunter is committed to elevating conversations about mental health and performance and she’s an advocate for diversity & cultural inclusion. She is passionate about helping people move beyond the stigma associated with mental health, particularly those in high performance & African-American communities. Dr. Gunter is currently the AASP President-Elect and was recently named an AASP Fellow as a member of the 2020 induction class. She is a member of Division 47 of the American Psychological Association (APA): The Society for Sport, Exercise & Performance Psychology and served as the invited speaker for the Steven R. Heyman Memorial Keynote Lecture, which is focused on diversity in sport, at the 2018 APA Convention. Dr. Gunter is listed on the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) Sport Psychology Registry and is a member of the USOPC External Mental Health Taskforce.