Dan Gould
Dir., Michigan St. Univ. Institute for the Study of Youth Sports
National Advisory Board
Dan Gould is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Kinesiology at the Michigan State University. As a researcher Dan has studied the stress-athletic performance relationship, stress and burnout in young athletes, the psychology of coaching, the psychology of Olympic excellence, athletic talent development, the role parents play in junior sport and life skills development in young athletes. As a sport psychology consultant, he has consulted extensively with numerous athletes of all age and skill levels and involved in a wide range of sports, including the U.S. Ski Team, NASCAR race teams and numerous Olympic athletes. He has also been involved in executive coaching, working individually with corporate executives, and conducting performance enhancement sessions for leaders in groups such as Deutsche Bank and Oracle. Dan has also been heavily involved in coaching education having made over 1000 clinic presentations. He has also served on the U.S. Olympic coaching development committee for ten years, co-chaired the sport science and technology committee, and was a member of the USTA Sport Science and Coaching Committee. Finally, he has authored, Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology (with Bob Weinberg), the most widely used textbook in sport and exercise psychology, Understanding Psychological Preparation for Sport: Theory and Practice of Elite Performers (with Lew Hardy and Graham Jones), and Reflections from a career in sport psychology: An autobiography and guide to teaching, research and professional practice.