Positive Coaching Alliance Celebrates Title IX’s 51st Anniversary

In over fifty years since its passage, Title IX has made an incredible impact on opening doors to athletics for women, girls, and others. While so much progress has been made, there is more to do to widen opportunities and establish gender equity in sports. In your community, among countless ways to celebrate, share about, and advance Title IX, PCA’s Gender Equity Initiative recommends: 

1. Reviewing our brand new resourceRecruit and Retain Girls in Sports Teams and Programs

2. Checking out Title IX infographics – from PCA for youth and coaches, co-created with the WNBA / NBA to better understand the law and how it can level the playing field at your school.

3. Visiting the Demand IX website – for resources and information about furthering Title IX gender equity in sport, including this digital action toolkit.

4. Utilizing PCA’s Game Plan for Girls in Sports guidenow in individual components for quick and easy review and sharing, with highlighted snippets below, and our Literature Review (of 100+ studies!) for supporting K-12 girls in sports.

5. Tuning in – to the upcoming recap of our June webinar on Recruiting and Retaining Girls in Sports.

Join PCA in celebrating the 51st anniversary of Title IX not just on June 23, 2023, but every day, all year!